Monday, January 7, 2008

Pureez Coolers Refresh Your Tap

In a Water Bottle Editorial, the Star Tribune let's us know that conservationism can never, ever catch on, because...well, they don't actually give any arguments as to why this is the case. But, having assumed it, they do give us some food for thought. For example:

Much of bottled water's offensiveness rests in its plastic containers, a characteristic shared by the many more containers of soft drinks sold.
I think it's clear why environmentalists and your average beverage consuming American see a difference between the water industry and the soft drink industry. For one thing, soda doesn't come out of our faucets. Bottled water irks me and many others because it is so readily available at home, with a water system we all paid for, and yet we still waste tons of gas and other natural resources shipping it around in little plastic containers. Besides that, any other beverage can be bought in little aluminum cans. This eliminates much of any argument as to the similarity between the two because, for whatever reason, water can't be purchased in a more sensible way. Aluminum is at least easy to reuse, unlike plastic, which is heavier and harder to recycle.

Still, from the same editorial, we also get an appeal I can definitely get behind:

Bottled-water foes should take a lesson from the Toyota Prius. It wasn't exhortations from environmentalists that made hybrid vehicles a success. It was $3-a-gallon gas. Similarly, the harms of bottled water are best solved by moving economic levers to address what is, essentially, a market problem.
That conserving money and conserving the environment don't have to be at odds is what Pureez at home tap water filters and dispensers are all about. Pureez costs way less than buying individual water bottles, and it even costs less than traditional water coolers that require bulky and wasteful bottles. Because Pureez at home water coolers require no monthly replacements, the costs of owning a water cooler don't add up over time. You can purchase a Pureez in one easy payment or over time, but once you have one, the water is free! Not only that, but Pureez bottleless tap water coolers go one step further by providing you with two water services neither tap or water can claim to provide: it gives you purer water, and it gives you style. Watch out, tap water systems!