Thursday, January 10, 2008

Luxury Water Cooler?

It's true that Pureez water coolers are unique in their style as well as in the way that they purify water. So, are these water coolers luxurious? Yes and no.

Yes: Pureez countertop bottleless water coolers are very high quality. Purity is ensured through several patented processes. UV lights kill microbes, while carbon filters remove particles. Most filters just strain your tap through some system of mesh wires (how arcane...). The water filtration system employed by Pureez point of use coolers is a huge advancement.

No: Pureez is still way more affordable than most water coolers. Even bottleless coolers usually have costly replacements. Pureez has a UV light and a filter, and while these do need to be replaced, you don't need to replace them anywhere near as often as the parts in a Brita. Not to mention that some water filters make it impossible to replace parts, so you have to buy a new water filtering device every time!


Zingalings-Custom Singing Telegrams said...
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Zingalings-Custom Singing Telegrams said...

Bottleless water cooler are always extremely nice. A great writting on bottleless water cooler.

Unknown said...

That is pretty cool, I have been thinking of getting a cool bottleless water cooler, It would be pretty awesome!

Clearwater of New England said...
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Clearwater of New England said...

Thanks for sharing this wonderful post! Have you ever heard about Clearwater of New England before? If not yet, no worries; Clearwater of New England is the bottleless water provider in Connecticut, USA. If you're interested to have a water cooler for your home and office then Clearwater of New England is the best option for you!