Wednesday, January 2, 2008

New Year, New Home: 10 Possibilities

10: Change the color of some of your rooms. This is a relatively cheap way to really add some character to your house. Not to mention that when you change something like color, it heightens your awareness of a room. This effect will wear off, but at least for a few months it will energize your whole family to, say, spend more time in the family room. Some hints: for the most part, keep your rooms in the same color scheme. For example, at my place the living, family, and dining rooms are all in natural tones. This signifies a more unified portion of the house. The computer room is in a watery tone, which sets it off.

9: Add style. A few haut pieces (even one pricy sculpture) will really drive home an aesthetic point of view. If you like minimalism, get a minimalist sculpture and it will tie together the sparse arrangement of a room. Or tie in with whatever great furniture you already have. Same with tapestries or murals. Plus, if you buy something pricy, it's an investment in your future. Stylish fine art is selling for more and more these days!

8: Really get a new House! The real estate market can't get any better than it is right now for new home buyers. And moving on up means your have an even bigger canvas on which to express your own personal at-home style. New kitchen, new kitchen appliances!

7: Make your house a home by changing the 'attitude' of your home. Make it a point to have dinner with the whole family at least several times per week. Watch a movie together.

6-1: Buy a red, white, silver, blue, green, or yellow Pureez home water cooler. After all, you need a new cooler (in a new color!) to match your new home! And these water coolers have style and color. Pureez also provides water cooler rentals, so it easy to purchase a Pureez water heating and cooling system. Plus, Pureez tap water filters are actually bottleless coolers (meaning they are small and don't need refills), so they are safe and easy to use for everyone in the family.