Wednesday, January 9, 2008

"Point Of Use" for Hot Water

Point of use is a term used to describe systems of water treatment which work directly on the final source of your water. So, point of use filters don't work on the primary source, not on the reservoir, but rather on the source of water in your home. So, point of use purifiers usually work with whatever piping you have in your house. They might be attachments to, say, faucets or shower heads.

Why is this great? Several reasons:

1. Of course, purer water. Even if municipal tap water in your region is generally safe, your piping is probably not clean. These point of use heaters and coolers take out virtually all impurities.

2. They are easy to install. Many times Point of Use Coolers have attachments that go on your faucet. Even if that's not the case, point of use heaters and coolers don't require that you tear anything out of your kitchen. And that makes point of use hot water heaters, like Pureez, easy to commit to.

3. Point of use coolers like Pureez often can also produce hot water, way faster than your tap. We all know it's annoying waiting for that hot water to get heated enough. Point of use hot water is something Pureez can deliver, at any temperature you need!

4. Point of use water is environmental water, unlike bottled water, which is just wasteful.


Manishsharma said...

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Anonymous said...

I completely agree with you. Great post

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Unknown said...

Wow I have really liked this post. These bottleless water coolers are pretty cool. I'm definitely looking into getting one.

Unknown said...

Bottleless water coolers are the way of the future! They are awesome.

officewater said...

Great...I'm preferred glass bottles. Because glass bottle are free from iron and nickel and other materials, which is not good for kids health.
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