Thursday, January 10, 2008

Luxury Water Cooler?

It's true that Pureez water coolers are unique in their style as well as in the way that they purify water. So, are these water coolers luxurious? Yes and no.

Yes: Pureez countertop bottleless water coolers are very high quality. Purity is ensured through several patented processes. UV lights kill microbes, while carbon filters remove particles. Most filters just strain your tap through some system of mesh wires (how arcane...). The water filtration system employed by Pureez point of use coolers is a huge advancement.

No: Pureez is still way more affordable than most water coolers. Even bottleless coolers usually have costly replacements. Pureez has a UV light and a filter, and while these do need to be replaced, you don't need to replace them anywhere near as often as the parts in a Brita. Not to mention that some water filters make it impossible to replace parts, so you have to buy a new water filtering device every time!

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

"Point Of Use" for Hot Water

Point of use is a term used to describe systems of water treatment which work directly on the final source of your water. So, point of use filters don't work on the primary source, not on the reservoir, but rather on the source of water in your home. So, point of use purifiers usually work with whatever piping you have in your house. They might be attachments to, say, faucets or shower heads.

Why is this great? Several reasons:

1. Of course, purer water. Even if municipal tap water in your region is generally safe, your piping is probably not clean. These point of use heaters and coolers take out virtually all impurities.

2. They are easy to install. Many times Point of Use Coolers have attachments that go on your faucet. Even if that's not the case, point of use heaters and coolers don't require that you tear anything out of your kitchen. And that makes point of use hot water heaters, like Pureez, easy to commit to.

3. Point of use coolers like Pureez often can also produce hot water, way faster than your tap. We all know it's annoying waiting for that hot water to get heated enough. Point of use hot water is something Pureez can deliver, at any temperature you need!

4. Point of use water is environmental water, unlike bottled water, which is just wasteful.

Stylish Countertop Water Cooler: Experiencing Water

How do we
experience water? For many of us, drinking water has become a dull experience. We open the dust-covered water bottle that was sitting on the floor or in the back of our refrigerator, twist the annoyingly well-attached cap, and guzzle our stale water while we try to ignore the slight plastic aftertaste.

Do you remember the last time you really enjoyed your water. Maybe it was when you cupped your hands under a small waterfall, or maybe it was served our of a crystal vase in a small restaurant in some exotic EU nation.

The point is: enjoying water is all about the total experience. Water should look good, it should come out of something stylish and unique, and then finally, it should taste pure.

Clean, fresh, elegantly delivered water is what a Pureez designer water dispenser provides. Of course it is a countertop water cooler, so it is compact and easy to use. But, more than that, it looks like no other bottleless water cooler on the market. It isn't just utilitarian - it has style. Not to mention that at the end of it all you get water that has been filtered to perfection using UV, and carbon filters to remove any impurities. Pureez water coolers are the best water coolers because of how they make you feel.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Pureez Coolers Refresh Your Tap

In a Water Bottle Editorial, the Star Tribune let's us know that conservationism can never, ever catch on, because...well, they don't actually give any arguments as to why this is the case. But, having assumed it, they do give us some food for thought. For example:

Much of bottled water's offensiveness rests in its plastic containers, a characteristic shared by the many more containers of soft drinks sold.
I think it's clear why environmentalists and your average beverage consuming American see a difference between the water industry and the soft drink industry. For one thing, soda doesn't come out of our faucets. Bottled water irks me and many others because it is so readily available at home, with a water system we all paid for, and yet we still waste tons of gas and other natural resources shipping it around in little plastic containers. Besides that, any other beverage can be bought in little aluminum cans. This eliminates much of any argument as to the similarity between the two because, for whatever reason, water can't be purchased in a more sensible way. Aluminum is at least easy to reuse, unlike plastic, which is heavier and harder to recycle.

Still, from the same editorial, we also get an appeal I can definitely get behind:

Bottled-water foes should take a lesson from the Toyota Prius. It wasn't exhortations from environmentalists that made hybrid vehicles a success. It was $3-a-gallon gas. Similarly, the harms of bottled water are best solved by moving economic levers to address what is, essentially, a market problem.
That conserving money and conserving the environment don't have to be at odds is what Pureez at home tap water filters and dispensers are all about. Pureez costs way less than buying individual water bottles, and it even costs less than traditional water coolers that require bulky and wasteful bottles. Because Pureez at home water coolers require no monthly replacements, the costs of owning a water cooler don't add up over time. You can purchase a Pureez in one easy payment or over time, but once you have one, the water is free! Not only that, but Pureez bottleless tap water coolers go one step further by providing you with two water services neither tap or water can claim to provide: it gives you purer water, and it gives you style. Watch out, tap water systems!

Thursday, January 3, 2008

We're experiencing technical difficulties, hopefully I'll be back soon with more posts and a viewable frontpage!

Edit: Ok, I think everything is back in order. Back next week with more water cooler updates!

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

New Year, New Home: 10 Possibilities

10: Change the color of some of your rooms. This is a relatively cheap way to really add some character to your house. Not to mention that when you change something like color, it heightens your awareness of a room. This effect will wear off, but at least for a few months it will energize your whole family to, say, spend more time in the family room. Some hints: for the most part, keep your rooms in the same color scheme. For example, at my place the living, family, and dining rooms are all in natural tones. This signifies a more unified portion of the house. The computer room is in a watery tone, which sets it off.

9: Add style. A few haut pieces (even one pricy sculpture) will really drive home an aesthetic point of view. If you like minimalism, get a minimalist sculpture and it will tie together the sparse arrangement of a room. Or tie in with whatever great furniture you already have. Same with tapestries or murals. Plus, if you buy something pricy, it's an investment in your future. Stylish fine art is selling for more and more these days!

8: Really get a new House! The real estate market can't get any better than it is right now for new home buyers. And moving on up means your have an even bigger canvas on which to express your own personal at-home style. New kitchen, new kitchen appliances!

7: Make your house a home by changing the 'attitude' of your home. Make it a point to have dinner with the whole family at least several times per week. Watch a movie together.

6-1: Buy a red, white, silver, blue, green, or yellow Pureez home water cooler. After all, you need a new cooler (in a new color!) to match your new home! And these water coolers have style and color. Pureez also provides water cooler rentals, so it easy to purchase a Pureez water heating and cooling system. Plus, Pureez tap water filters are actually bottleless coolers (meaning they are small and don't need refills), so they are safe and easy to use for everyone in the family.