Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Pureez: They're Countertop Bottleless Water Heaters too!

Water Heaters and Water Filters ... or Both in One (Pureez)

I wanted to devote a little time to hot water. Now, simple water filters don't heat or cool, meaning you have to leave it up to whatever your faucet can currently do with it's temperature - this is a problem because many faucets can't change the temperature of your water very quickly. Specifically, many tap water faucets are bad at heating: either they take forever or they don't do it at all.

Than you have Coolers. Your standard office water cooler has a bottle from some big brand of tap like Poland Spring or Aquafina. It doesn't filter these, even though, as I mentioned earlier, these bottled water sources aren't exactly clean or safe. As far as heat, they can give you either freezing cold, or boiling hot, water. No warm water! No lukewarm water!

Those temperatures are unacceptable. Coolers are also Heaters, and as such they should be able to give you a range of temps. Pureez does that: you can get your water boiling hot, freezing cold, and anywhere in-between. Warm, coldish, room temp, you name it. Perfect for moms with picky babies, or just businesses with persnickety employees! And, we are a complete water filtration system, not just a water dispenser! Basically, we are a countertop bottleless water heater.


Anonymous said...

hi, i had the same problem before, see http://homefixfree.com/index.html they were the big help.

Anonymous said...

go bottleless!
Great company and great tasting water!