Thursday, December 27, 2007

Pureez Home Water Coolers : Transform Your Home

This was one of the first few images to come up when I searched for "Christmas Water." And what an image! This holiday season Pureez hopes that you will think about how to improve your life through water. Drinking more water, drinking healthier water, consuming water without wasting plastic and other resources.

On New Year's, people historically commit to improving their well-being. People consider this to be a time of change and renewal. What better sign of that commitment to change than to change how you consume the most basic of resources: water. Why not make water central to your home and hearth? Rather than buying water cheaply contained in plastic like candy, you could be using a home filtering dispenser to cleanse and transform your tap water! Certainly your home is a fantastic place to start, and Pureez is the most convenient at home water cooler on the market. Cheers!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Cool Countertop Coolers

Pureez gets down with it's bad self on myspace, errybody!

Check it out:

Pureez Myspace

It'll include links to Pureez, and discusion on bottled water, home water coolers. and all of that watery goodness. Pureez brings coolers into your home and office both online and in person. So enjoy!

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Pureez Office Water Cooler

Council pulls plug on office water coolers

"Although coolers have become a traditional place for office workers to exchange the latest gossip, a London council has deemed them - and bottled water - environmentally unfriendly and is insisting that staff switch to the tap variety instead.

Islington council believes it will save more than £8,000 a year on bottled water and thousands more on coolers after it agreed to stop paying for them.

The council, which says the move will reduce its carbon footprint, is now calling on the Greater London Authority and other London boroughs to follow suit."

Proof positive that bottled water is on its way out. It'll only be a matter of time before cities in the U.S. that want to reduce their carbon footprint (san fran, portland) go for similar regulations. And even if they don't, plenty of environmentally conscious companies will see removing their bottled water coolers as a way of showing their personal commitment to the green movement and eco-friendliness.

The article goes on to talk about how this might be the end of water cooler culture. That doesn't have to be the case; you can have a water cooler that conserves energy and is still pretty enough to gather around, and the pureez is just the bottleless water cooler for the job! Pureez makes a perfect office water cooler because it looks good anywhere and can give you steaming hot water anytime!

Monday, December 17, 2007

Pureez Home Water Coolers

In another installment of "what makes Pureez unique," I want to talk about how Pureez is particularly well-suited to the home and personal use. As I touched upon earlier, Pureez coolers look good, and they're what new environmentalists want in their homes.

That Pureez dispensers look good in a home setting, and can fit in with any decor is certainly part of the appeal of our bottleless countertop tap water dispensers. Another big part of the appeal of pureez heating and cooling filtration systems is that they are compact (that's why they are countertop coolers, they can fit on any countertop). That means they won't cramp your style, and will accomodate your water drinking habits. Pureez tap water filters can easily be moved to different parts of the house (if, say, it would be more convenient to dispense water in the kids bathroom); wherever tap water mains are! Pureez dispensers are the perfect home water coolers !

Friday, December 14, 2007

Pureez filters out Chloramine, and More

Though I would share with you this article in The Vermonter about chloramine in the tap water drinking supply. Here's a fun quote:

PCAC, however, asserts that there are a number of reasons why chloramine should not be used. “Among the many concerns we have about chloramine, there are eight key points,” says Rebecca Reno, a PCAC member. “One is that there has been no adequate testing on the skin or respiratory effects of chloramine on human beings.”
That, in a water chestnut shell, is why tap water ain't all that great. The government can easily put whatever new, as yet untested substance it wants into your drinking water supply. You might never even hear about it and only experience it once it's running through your tap. Pure and simple, the water might have things in it you don't know about and don't want.

Bottleless water coolers like Pureez eliminate that problem, because they take everything out, leaving you with water that is as pure as possible. Would you want to add chloramine to that?

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Bottled to Bottleless, Stylish Pureez ?

Water and who Dispenses it:

With the explosion of consumption in the bottled water market, the answer to this question is clear: Anybody and Everybody! And most of these self-watering aficionados operate under the assumption that any water is environmentally sound water.

The question really is: what will happen when people realize that environmental bottled water is nothing but a figment of the bottled water industry's imagination? Will they keep in drinking out of those plastic husks because it makes them look like they have a large disposable income. Do they drink water, bottled or without a bottle, because it's fashionable? If so, what happens when it is no-longer fashionable? Will they choose filters, go for an expensive water filter installation, or choose filtration systems that are external? IMO, Countertop Bottleless Water Coolers are the future: they advertise your consciousness of the issue, but aren't as expensive of a huge overhaul of home or office.

Certainly at this point there appears to be a connection between greenness and style, which we've discussed. That being the case, a lot of these newly environmentally conscious, whole foods luvin' consumers are bound to leave the bottled water market.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Pureez asks: What does it take for Water to be Environmental?

Pureez asks: What does it take for water to be environmental?

Environmental Water...hmm. What makes waterenvironmental”? Well, for this I think we first need to look at environmentalism, and then at how water, water consumption, and finally, water services, factor into this.

Environmentalism: it ain’t easy being Green:

As always, I turn to Wikipedia, which has this to say about environmentalism and the environmentalist movement:

In general terms, environmentalists advocate the sustainable management of resources, and the protection (and restoration, when necessary) of the natural environment through changes in public policy and individual behavior. In its recognition of humanity as a participant in ecosystems, the movement is centered around ecology, health, and human rights.

As you can see, it’s about minimizing one’s impact on the earth and its natural resources. So being eco-friendly with your use of various waters or water services is not necessarily about consuming less or even destructing less. Instead, Eco-Friendly Water is really about the net impact of every action. Cumulatively, then, let’s look at water consumption. Tomorrow, that is!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Pureez: They're Countertop Bottleless Water Heaters too!

Water Heaters and Water Filters ... or Both in One (Pureez)

I wanted to devote a little time to hot water. Now, simple water filters don't heat or cool, meaning you have to leave it up to whatever your faucet can currently do with it's temperature - this is a problem because many faucets can't change the temperature of your water very quickly. Specifically, many tap water faucets are bad at heating: either they take forever or they don't do it at all.

Than you have Coolers. Your standard office water cooler has a bottle from some big brand of tap like Poland Spring or Aquafina. It doesn't filter these, even though, as I mentioned earlier, these bottled water sources aren't exactly clean or safe. As far as heat, they can give you either freezing cold, or boiling hot, water. No warm water! No lukewarm water!

Those temperatures are unacceptable. Coolers are also Heaters, and as such they should be able to give you a range of temps. Pureez does that: you can get your water boiling hot, freezing cold, and anywhere in-between. Warm, coldish, room temp, you name it. Perfect for moms with picky babies, or just businesses with persnickety employees! And, we are a complete water filtration system, not just a water dispenser! Basically, we are a countertop bottleless water heater.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Should be a Commercial for All Bottled Waters

Couldn't help but post this video. The Watery Truth: you Can smack whatever name, brand, or label you want on a bottle of water. But if you are talking about filters, or any kinds of coolers and filtration systems, you have to give a factual account of what it is you are doing to the water. Bottleless coolers and heaters do just that - they give you science. And the science (and taste, and look, and purity) of Pureez countertop bottleless water coolers is a cut above.

Pureez is a product meant for someone who wants simplicity, but doesn't want to be dumb about it.

Friday, December 7, 2007

Pureez has a Facebook page!

Want to find out what's new with Pureez? Want to chat with us in real time, give us suggestions for what else we should put on the Pureez website, or find out who else is a fan? Check out our facebook page! That's

We've posted pictures, and information on Pureez, the Environmentally Friendly Countertop Bottleless Tap Water Filter. You can post comments, start discussions, and become a fan of our water coolers. This is our freshest and most direct connection with you, the filtered water consumer! Coolness?

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Environmental Water Cooler Rentals

Pureez is the only provider of environmental water cooler rentals, or of any kind of water filtration systems, for that matter, that understands that we want to be cool, and not just eco-friendly. We want to be original, and not just conscientious. And we want to look good, not just feel good, about our what sits on top of our counter and hydrates us. You just can't beat the design of these water coolers. Compact, colorful, and programmable!

Thursday, November 29, 2007

the environmental countertop water heater/cooler with style!

So, I was looking at one of the many environmentalist sites I frequent, treehugger, when I noticed something interesting pertaining to environmentally friendly tap water filters, specifically the stand-alone countertop coolers. There's apparently one cooler that filters with clay and is safe for the environment, but there's one problem: it's ugly!

That's right, being eco-friendly is no longer about wearing hemp sandals and growing you hair long, mannn. Todays environmentalists are smart, savvy, and like a sleek, modern aesthetic. That's where Pureez really stands alone amongst environmental water services.

Pureez is the sophisticated water filtration system. As i mentioned earlier, there is no such thing as an environmental water bottle. But, if you're looking for bottleless water cooler rentals, look no further than Pureez for a distinctive rental that lessens your use of bottles (keeping you green),and also looks good and lasts way longer than conventional sink filters like Brita or PUR (saving you green). For clean, eco-friendly water for the new envo movement, Pureez is the obvious choice.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Pureez: The Eco-Friendly Water Cooler

As many of you now know, recently there’s been a backlash against bottled drinking water.

Bottled water is good for your health? Cool down, check out the facts.

The Natural Resources Defense Council gives a less-than-glowing report on the bottled water industry. Is bottled water safe? Not particularly: it is about as safe as tap, if not less so, because it isn’t tested as often. Does bottled water hurt the environment? Absolutely! In addition to contributing to large amounts of plastic waste, we burn massive quantities of fossil fuels when we transport bottles of tap-quality-water across the country. When you consider that your local reserves are probably better, it’s a massive waste of resources.

And that leads us to the most troubling danger of bottled water:

“Recent research suggests that there could be cause for concern, and that the issue should be studied closely. Studies have shown that chemicals called phthalates, which are known to disrupt testosterone and other hormones, can leach into bottled water over time. One study found that water that had been stored for 10 weeks in plastic and in glass bottles contained phthalates, suggesting that the chemicals could be coming from the plastic cap or liner. Although there are regulatory standards limiting phthalates in tap water, there are no legal limits for phthalates in bottled water -- the bottled water industry waged a successful campaign opposing the FDA proposal to set a legal limit for these chemicals.” – Natural Resources Defense Council

Wow. So, not only is bottled water as bad as tap, but it also contains freaky PLASTICS! Makes sense – think about how thin those plastic bottles are; any amount of heat at any point in the journey and…well, you get the picture.

The bottled water fad was just a bunch of Group Think , and it’s fading fast.

Here’s where Pureez steps in: Most filters do the same things bottling companies do (some series of mesh strainers, or some reverse-blahsmosis nonsense). Not Pureez! Pureez uses UV rays to kill microbes. Microbes can’t survive! Because these UV frequencies don’t occur naturally on earth (unlike mesh filters, which can never totally eliminate pathogens). Pureez is on the cusp of a revolution of plastic-free, super-pure water! No cancer-causing plastics, and no questionable tap. It's sure to be a hit this cyber tuesday :)

Let the revolution begin!

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Pureez Water Video Presentation - Kiosk Video

Friday, August 31, 2007

The process of Water purification

Water purification is the process of removing contaminants from a raw water source. The goal is to produce water for a specific purpose with a treatment profile designed to limit the inclusion of specific materials; most water is purified for human consumption (drinking water). Water purification may also be designed for a variety of other purposes, including to meet the requirements of medical, pharmacology, chemical and industrial applications. Methods include, but are not limited to: ultra violet light, filtration, water softening, reverse osmosis, ultrafiltration, molecular stripping, deionization, and carbon treatment.

Water purification may remove: particulate sand; suspended particles of organic materal; Parasites, Giardia; Cryptosporidium; bacteria; algae; virus; fungi; etc. Minerals calcium, silica, magnesium, etc., and Toxic metals lead; copper; chromium; etc. Some purification may be elective in the purification process, including smell (hydrogen sulfide remediation), taste (mineral extraction), and appearance (iron incapsulation).

Water Purification
Governments usually dictate the standards for drinking water quality. These standards will require minimum / maximum set points of contaminants and the inclusion of control elements that produce potable drinking water. Quality standards in many countries require specific amounts of disinfectant (such as chlorine) in the water after it leaves the WTP (Water Treatment Plant), to reduce the risk of re-contamination while the water is in the distribution system.

Ground water (usually supplied as well water) is typically a more economical choice than surface water (from rivers, lakes and streams) as a source for drinking, as it is inherently pre-filtered by the aquifer from which it is extracted. Over large areas of the world, aquifers are recharged as part of the hydrologic cycle. In more arid regions, water from an aquifer will have a limited output and can take thousands of years to recharge. Surface water is locally more abundant where subsurface formations do not function as aquifers; however, ground water is far more abundant than the more-visible surface water. Surface water is a typical raw water source used to make drinking water where it is abundant and where ground water is unavailable or of poor quality. However, it is much more exposed to human activity and its byproducts. As a water source it is carefully monitored for the presence of a variety of contaminants by the WTP operators.

It is not possible to tell whether water is safe to drink just by looking at it. Simple procedures such as boiling or the use of a household charcoal filter are not sufficient for treating all the possible contaminants that may be present in water from an unknown source. Even natural spring water - considered safe for all practical purposes in the 1800s - must now be tested before determining what kind of treatment, if any, is needed. Lab analysis, while expensive, is the only way to obtain the information necessary for deciding on method of purification.

The Best Water Image Online

About Water - From Wikipedia

Water is a common chemical substance that is essential to all known forms of life.[1] In typical usage, water refers only to its liquid form or state, but the substance also has a solid state, ice, and a gaseous state, water vapor. About 1,460 teratonnes (Tt) of water covers 71% of the Earth's surface, mostly in oceans and other large water bodies, with 1.6% of water below ground in aquifers and 0.001% in the air as vapor, clouds (formed of solid and liquid water particles suspended in air), and precipitation.[2] Some of the Earth's water is contained within man-made and natural objects near the Earth's surface such as water towers, animal and plant bodies, manufactured products, and food stores.

Saltwater oceans hold 97% of surface water, glaciers and polar ice caps 2.4%, and other land surface water such as rivers and lakes 0.6%. Water moves continually through a cycle of evaporation or transpiration, precipitation, and runoff, usually reaching the sea. Winds carry water vapor over land at the same rate as runoff into the sea, about 36 Tt per year. Over land, evaporation and transpiration contribute another 71 Tt per year to the precipitation of 107 Tt per year over land. Some water is trapped for varying periods in ice caps, glaciers, aquifers, or in lakes, sometimes providing fresh water for life on land. Clean, fresh water is essential to human and other life. In many parts of the world, it is in short supply. Many organic molecules as well as salts, sugars, acids, alkalis, and some gases (especially oxygen), are soluble in water.

Beyond the Earth, a significant quantity of water is thought to exist underground on the planet Mars, on the moons Europa and Enceladus, and on the exoplanets known as HD 189733 b[3] and HD 209458 b.[4]

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Drinking Unknown Water

Chlorine and Chloramine contaminants in tap water


The experimental use of chlorine began in the 1890's to combat water-borne diseases such as cholera and typhoid. It quickly gained wide acceptance because of low cost and high efficiency in killing just about everything hazardous in the water. Chlorine allowed population centers to spring up and thrive without any epidemic outbreaks.

The problem with chlorine is that it is a known poison and the safety of drinking this poison over the longterm (i.e. your lifetime) is highly uncertain. Also, chlorine reacts with water-borne decaying organic matter like leaves, bark, sediment, etc. to create a family of chemicals called trihalomethanes and other highly toxic substances. Trihalomethanes, or THM's, include chemicals such as chloroform, bromoform and dichlorobromethane, all of which are extremely carcinogenic even in minute amounts.

Chloramine is another substance used now in many larger municipalities (i.e. Los Angeles). In systems where the level of chlorine is at the highest acceptable level but need still more disinfection, the utility will then add a chlorine/ammonia compound. Chloramine is represented as totally safe but with the Disclaimer to not give chloramine-treated water to your animals or use it in your fish tanks (it kills fish)!

Pureez Water

dont be stupid with water